Secret Dispatches for What a Duchess Does

Whew, how is it that time can pass so fast in the featureless void I now live in? It seems like it was just yesterday that What a Duchess Does came out, but it was almost six weeks! Or more than! I’m not going to bother to count!

And as is recorded here, I just got the new website design working for pretty much the day of the launch, so I never put a pointer here to the historical tidbits that underlie the love story between our Duke and Duchess.

I posted the tidbits on my Facebook page, then pointed to them from Twitter, and also packaged them up as a fun letter for the people on my selected “Send me everything” list, not just my usual newsletter folks. All of which is exactly how authors can easily end up not writing books.

But just on the off chance you missed them, here’s a link to the first of the “Secret Dispatches” for What a Duchess Does! (You can scroll through the following posts on Facebook to see them all.) I know a lot of you love all the historical research that goes into my romance novels, and you may love these little nuggets of story inspiration and research, too. I think there were eight for The Countess Invention? But there are ten for What a Duchess Does, including everything from greenhouses to Sweden to Labrador retrievers to a recipe for that famous lemon ice. Enjoy.

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