I thank you, and Anthony thanks you

I really can’t quite explain why it made me nervous to have Anthony’s book Crown of Hearts be number 4 in my series Lords and Undefeated Ladies. Marketing people will tell you that readers won’t read an LGBT romance in a series that isn’t all LGBT. Well, you all proved them wrong, and I’m so very grateful.

Probably all authors feel this way but I think my readers are the very best readers! I love that you want the stories and you aren’t concerned with a lot of categorizing. Actually, I think most readers are like that.

I was also a little nervous because I wondered: could Anthony’s story live up to the expectation? After appearing in three other books, could Anthony’s romance possibly be everything we hoped, for him? In that weird way writers have, I thank David Castle for solving that problem. I think it was everything we hoped for, and thank all of you readers who have picked it up so far for sticking with me in this series.

You all get my newsletter, right? You know I’m launching a new series, with swashbuckling feats of derring-do and that sort of thing, in July? I am really counting the days till I get The Caped Countess into your hands. I think you’ll like it. But never fear, there will be more Lords and Undefeated Ladies, too!

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