So, why No Titled Lady?

I can hardly believe October is just around the corner, and that means No Titled Lady will be arriving in the e-readers and mailboxes of those of you who’ve pre-ordered! (Thank you!)

I always wanted to tell the story of Sir Michael’s parents (he was the hero of Not Like a Lady). I absolutely adore writing Sir Michael. He has little filter and no patience, especially with anything he thinks is a stupid rule of society.

But he’s still a gallant gentleman in his own way, dedicated to preserving a lady’s position in society. Which he seems to sort of understand.

So what parents gave him his temper, his lack of patience with the silly forms of etiquette, and the kind of respect for women that makes it a no-brainer for him to accept the idea of Letty as a horse trainer?

But still no conception that his parents had been in love?

Let’s be clear, people are thick about their parents. And Michael was not an introspective little boy to say the least. Still, I think there’s an interesting love story there, don’t you?

And as my readers know, each of my books features a hero or heroine with some disability, as we would call it now. My experience with that in this book couldn’t be more personal, as my own husband has suffered from a heart condition in the past, and I am one of those people for whom love is terrifying precisely because it is finite.

No Titled Lady is a shorter book than my usual but that just makes it sort of normal-sized, and very dear to my heart. I hope you enjoy it!

No Titled Lady available in all bookstores, e-book and print

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