May 4, 2021

Whew, I think I underestimated how much people wanted Anthony’s story! I’m thrilled with its popularity so far, and some loyal readers are giving me feedback that it “doesn’t disappoint” even after the long wait, so I am doubly thrilled at that! Some folks were surprised that the Lords and Undefeated Ladies series would go…

April 23, 2021

If you want to see someone making a superhuman effort not to spoil one of their own books, you need to catch the video of my book chat from April 16 on Crown of Hearts – or, as we all call it anyway, “Anthony’s Book”. (Why did I bother to give it another title?) It’s…

April 12, 2021

My March got eaten by monsters, but Anthony’s book WILL drop April 30. (I actually love the title Crown of Hearts, but I always call it “Anthony’s book” and I bet lots of you do too.) In preparation, I’m going live on Facebook Friday April 16 at noon Eastern time to chat about it! If…

February 16, 2021

I’m dipping back into Not Like a Lady in the run up to Crown of Hearts coming out in April. (In fact, there’s a rare 99 cent sale on Not Like a Lady right now.) I still adore Michael, and he’s not like any of my other heroes. He just does NOT know how to…

January 11, 2021

I’m trying something new – spreading my weekly dose of hopefully pleasant history tidbits a little more widely across my social media, not just my Facebook page! Readers of The Countess Invention may recall that Cass noticed the amount of greens served at Roseford Manor when she visited for Christmas. And readers of The Winter’s…

January 6, 2021

A sophisticated friend of mine, also an excellent storyteller, surprised me with her take upon reading What a Duchess Does. I’m paraphrasing, because I didn’t record the conversation, because fortunately we don’t have that kind of relationship, but essentially she said, “Oh, Nicholas is the type I adore. The strong silent type who’s hurting inside…

December 14, 2020

I could say I never guessed that readers would love Anthony and Letty together as much as they do. But that might sound stupid, since from the beginning, the first four books of the Lords and Undefeated Ladies were planned as a set, beginning with Letty’s love story and ending with Anthony’s. And if I…

November 29, 2020

Whew, how is it that time can pass so fast in the featureless void I now live in? It seems like it was just yesterday that What a Duchess Does came out, but it was almost six weeks! Or more than! I’m not going to bother to count! And as is recorded here, I just…

October 15, 2020

Obviously! Just in time to celebrate the arrival of the Duke and Duchess in What a Duchess Does, now available! And if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to sleep. More news soon!

March 11, 2020

Yes, intrepid romance author Clairissa SinClair has interviewed our favorite ladies’ man, Dr. Oliver Burke, the hero of The Countess Invention. I think he turned out to be more interesting than me, for those of you who read my interview with Arabella Sheen.  Am I jealous? No! I adore Oliver, it’s no secret. I adore…

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